Alex Dolan

Diversion Books
A young woman helps to end the lives of people with terminal diseases. They know her as Kali. She is there to see them off into the afterlife with kindness, with efficiency, and with two needles. She’s been a part of the right-to-die movement for years, an integral member, complicit in the deaths of twenty-seven men and women, all suffering from terminal illnesses. And she just helped the wrong patient.
"Alex Dolan's THE EUTHANIST grabbed me from the first page and showed no signs of letting go. Dark and sinewy, topical and timeless, laced with rich characterization and gallows humor, it showcases Dolan as a thriller writer to watch and follow."
—Louis Bayard, author of Roosevelt's Beast and The Pale Blue Eye
"Alex Dolan makes an engrossing debut with THE EUTHANIST. He writes a riveting and imaginative narrative as he deftly enhances a currently relevant plot with vivid characterization. Dolan hooks readers from the very start, ratcheting up the tension and suspense until the shocking ending. As a thriller writer, Alex Dolan is set to be one of the best."
-Fresh Fiction